Iam using microsoft Office 2007 version from 2007 itself. the software that everyone needs. there are pack of software in it. like microsoft powerpoint, microsoft word, microsoft excel, etc. and every software is useful in is work. Powerpoint is used for making slides for presentation. its widely uses in office and colleges and school too. word is basically for word file. and excel is for accounting related work.
I had used powerpoint so much. in school and in college too. for making presentations. well the 2003 version was good. but the 2007 version is best. there are so many new features in 2007 version. and microsoft changes so many features in such a way that you can do that work in 2007 so easily and quickly as comapared to 2003 version. like example. is you want to change the font of a given line. in 2003. you have to select and click on the font that you want to take. and if another to another select for another font. but now in 2007. you just select the text line. and move your cursor over the fonts. and the text fonts automatically changes. and you can decide quickly and easily. which font to choose.
A Great Software.