Microsoft Office(MS Office) is a desktop application or software. It is a product from the house Microsoft. It is one of the most famous, popular, useful software which is being used by all of us.
Microsoft Office was first launched or released in the year 1988 with with only 3 application naming Word, Excel and Power point. Later upgraded versions were released time to time such as Office 2003, office 2010, office 2011, Office 2012 and office 2013. Office 2016 is supposed to be released soon.
Microsoft office is a platform independent software so it can be installed and used on both Windows and Mac OS. The current version of Office includes Access to fulfill database requirement front page for web page creation(without knowledge of HTML). Microsoft Notebook, Microsoft outlook and Microsoft groove are few more added applications included latest Microsoft Office package.
Now it comes as pre-installed software on Windows RTE tablet and smart phones with Android, IOS and Windows OS. Microsoft office has launched it’s web based version too which called Online Office where we can access the Office application via web. Since Online office is a web based application the data can be accessed through any device connected to the Internet.
I have never seen any computer without having Microsoft Office. A PC with out MS office is like a ship with out a rudder.
For writing any document, MS Word is the best option with lots of useful features included on it.
For data entry work, MS Excel is the best option and even Google can not beat its popularity. Each and every business( small to large) has to depend on EXCEL.
For any kind of presentation requirement, we still can not think a better option than Powerpoint. It is a popular application used for presentation purpose be it Commercial, Education, Business, Personal, Entertainment, etc.These three applications are most commonly used in MS Office.
Apart, MS ACCESS, Outlook, Groove, Publisher, One not are other application present in MS office and more or less used as per requirement.
I am genuinely recommending this software and anyone would do the same.