The headline says everything I needed to hear. This device and its convergence ilk are Doomed(tm). Apple is adding higher tiers to the iPad while also moving the MacBook down to create a plethora of devices that work together and dont compromise in what they are. Apple discovered that users dont want OSX on an iPad or iOS on a MacBook. What users want are a mix of devices that complement and co-exist, not battle for one spot.
Microsoft is so tone-deaf that its not even funny. People lauding THIS device as the turning point are repeating history. The Zune, Kin, Courier, HoloLens, Nokia phones, Xbox, XBone, PlaysForSure, Vista, Surface, were all the saviors to turn the tide. None have, none ever will. Nostalgia is fine, but pretending that this can compete with both the iPad Pro AND the MacBook is delusional.