DUH! Here is an Operating System that goes wrong from the word go. During the installation, it looks like the messages got stuck in a loop and came frequenting a bit too often and the two of them surely made more visits than others. ...makes the best operating system ever. ...Secure Applications. Duh! Duh! Duh! Most of the operating system tries to extend what they did with Windows 2000 and that is Chori........ Here is the biggest billion dollar firm in the world and all it can come up with is a pirated version of Linux (is there one? :rolleyes). Rather than break new innovative ground through some research, Windows 2003 marries off randomly selected features of Linux to some facilities to make PC users even more slouch (you dont need to search for some drivers if that is what you used to mind!) and ofcourse conveniently tells you ... based on the universal acceptance of Windows 2000 server or something to that effect :Duh! Come on guys Linux brought in a new way of building applications, proven so far to be more secure than anything in the world and also more Internet snazzy than anything else and supported by a horde of excellent low priced open source software, one which may ask you to learn a bit but makes the effort worthwhile. Under consistent attack from everyone (due to envy?) MS launches what is an equivalent of a situation where Coke tries and add some meetha to Coca Cola simply because Pepsi is gaining ground :Duh!
The software comes up with some innovation though, one of which is Activation Key. In response to GNU License, MS has still to come up with something which is going to sell in the market. The Installation meanders on and on and the option to select your own modules is all a big hogwash; most services are installed all by itself. Then ofcourse, new S/W upgrade means more H/W (this is really a Duh!), Come on peeps, what the heck, this must be the only industry where new thing means more resources. Yes yes cosmetic powerding continue on GUI and the effort to make it futuristic and grand are all there (I told you the higher H/W requirements nah! duh!). So far I have refrained from experimenting a lot on its Networking abilities which I have never been convinced from MS. More security which ends up as a nuisance than feature and a sleeker version of telnet are some things it has come up with. God forbid if you ever altered your activex settings, only Bruce Almighty would need to help it (looks like it since it was lying on my HDD duh!).
Lets see what does it mean:
Average user: Office, net, music etc. Great to use if you can upgrade a bit. Some more technical zippy which lasts in freshness exactly 2 days, after which you want them to come up with a new upgrade itself (no we are not in a stage where artificially intelligent machines and bots customize your applications depending on your mood, what a horrible day that will be for a confused architecture like MS, duh!) I am not recommending Linux but please give it a try, it is not as difficult as it is made out to be esp. Red Hat 9.0. (No Duh! but :) )
Professionals: Ah Matlab, CATIA, Visual Studio run on it thankfully but it has like all MS products a tendency to make processor go on a thinking spree and hence stop responding for a reason which is dutifully recorded and sent also to MS each time and yes it is anonymous. If that is what is alternative to hanging of the PCs then Devil is an alternative to Me (Huh!). Dont even try and open more than 4 applications at a time if the H/W is not latest else be prepared for those chithis at every possible use.
Nerds: Iam sure they will find something in it since MS never does a job well. Their foundation was laid in 1983 and they are sticking to it, not breaking any new ground in either architecture nor concepts. Tactics of an insecure company like deny Java, slam Open Source as a virus and even label some linux sites as distrusted source are not going to do any good. One of my juniors has already hacked my 2003, so much for the most secure OS ever (Duh! and I lost the bet, some more Duh!).
Support: MS has one of the most proficient technical supports (:rolleyes). They respond exactly after the letter has shuttled between their local office (none, so it means dealer), Bombay office (???) and sometimes even Atlanta and can come up with things like we have an active web community where you will get help (now I did not know that did I? Duh!). But it is good enough for most users but for advanced users, it is duh! again. There is one innovation, since user is going to be asked things at each step, the technical support just simply says, Oh! it must have asked and you would have.... Now that is a user friendly s/w. Like I said, they have not broken any new ground atall.
Well the criteria is that upgrade is if you go in for silicon transplants or mystery black magic not your daily beauty parlour routine. Microsoft 2000 was atleast an upgrade, this is more of latter.
Absolutely no need to upgrade, not as of yet. Unless you want Anonymous error reports and activex controls instead of hanging PCs.