Windows98 the most popular the operating system ever developed has become a boon for the computer beginners. This wonderful and user-friendly operating system has made computer learning a childs play. This graphical user interface has transformed a bore and difficult to handle black computer screen [DOS prompt] to a multimedia revolution and now it has become quite easy for anyone to operate a computer system. The availability of the menus have freed the user of the cumbersome task of remembering all the commands will be used. The provision of motion clips for the various operations like file transfer, searching etc. has made the potential machine very interactive with the user. Now the computer serves as an all purpose machine to the user, more useful and powerful than ever before.
I believe that Windows is an ideal operating system for all those who are not an expert in the computers inspite of some expert opinion of Windows being a bit unstable. I think no other operating system provides the beginners with such a easy launching pad to the world of the complex technology.