For the past two years I had barely touched the Microsoft XBox(and I am a gamer with 150+ trophies on but Kinect changed all that. Hubby pre-ordered and we got it the day of the launch. Excitedly we attached it to the XBox and started using it. Kinect can be bought separately or bundled with XBox. The choice between 4 GB and 250 GB is a no brainer. Sure 250 GB costs more but is totally worth it.
So what you need to get started:
· X Box 360(Kinect is compatible with all generations of X Box 360, we used it with our first generation one as well, so if you already own an Xbox buy only the console, else buy them in a bundle)
· Kinect
· Controller(would be required for some of the navigation and also thenon-kinect X Box games
· 4-6 feet of space for playing(this is critical and kinect will tell you the best positions to start playing)
· Games pack(optional, if you have got them with your bundle)
It is an amazing experience. You dont need anything and I mean anything to start playing, just a sway of hand is needed for navigating across menus, games and options. In fact you can configure your XBox to recognize your voice and command it to navigate. There are plenty of default games provided- The River Rush where you hop and move in your lifeboat to collect Adventure Pins. 20000 Leaks requires you to plug leaks in the aquarium as fishes hit it at all angles and all angles and heights. Then there are bubble bursting and avoiding the obstacle adventures. There are various campaigns at Basic, Intermediate and Advanced levels besides timed adventures. You can win Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum medals. On winning you can even record yourLiving Statue. Kinect opens a new world of its own, dive in only if you are ready.
As compared to Wii, Kinect offers better mobility and games designed to get you moving J There are no controllers to hold and press buttons. In fact, the athletics pack(has to be bought separately) has various games like table tennis, javelin, discus, hurdle race, boxing etc that have a very real feel. As your performance in the games depends on ability to mimic actual games, you work out and have fun doing so. The multiplayer option enables you to have nearly as much fun as in a field. The software keeps telling to take a break if tired J
Pros- very real feel of the games, multiple levels and scenarios in default games, very easy to use, multiplayer option where you can play with friends, physical exercise that doesn’t sound like a burden.
Cons- kinect is expensive and if you buy additional games, none is below 35 pounds or 2500 Rs(approx.) each, requires lots of space and not easy to find it, the games are too simple/ kiddish for most hardcore gamers
Last word- it is expensive and will definitely get you moving that body, loads of fun with friends –definitely worth the money! Go for it now!