I bought this X-box on the 22 June 2016 from the amazon.in by paying an amount of the 25, 999 rupees.
I want to tell you some problem facing while using this:
1) The connection problem that is the is very difficult to connect with the television that is the proper cable were require and the cable come with this x-box were not supported on my TV.So, I need to buy the converter that maps my TV to that X-box.
2) The price of the X-box was too much High because same features and the Graphics were provided by the Sony PlayStation and the Price of the PlayStation was near about the 15, 999 which very less than X-box.
3) The device is not that much reliable as I expected because after 6 months the games was get stopped and wasnt work properly.
-The Design of the X-box was too good and attractive that is the only thing that makes me buy this X-box.
So, rather than this you should buy the PlayStation they were efficient and very good.