I actually wanted to rate this thing 4.5 Stars. But that option was not allowed. I just picked this up at my local Target and I must say its a great device.
I had the 80GB Zune & traded it in for the 120GB. This is essentially the same device nothing major has been done to it. The exterior is a really minor face lift. Inside are some new quirky features that have been added in such as purchasing songs from the radio etc. I do love the Zune interface its one of the best. I love the touch/scroll wheel as well.
It has the best of both worlds type of feel to it. Also I reserved my right to give this device 5 stars because it still has the clunky software and if the software update over the weekend proves to be the finishing touch that will make this MP3 player awesome I will revise my review. I know some people hate iTunes & some people love it. I think iTunes is great and its very user friendly and customization is beyond simple.
Other then that, the Zune software at this time is really bad. Ironically the V1 software was actually better and as many people know the shocking thing is that this MSFT product isnt even compatible with its own MSFT Windows Media Player (Ironic huh?). Also I do wish the battery life was the same as the iPod. I always carry my USB charger with me to avoid losing battery power when traveling around.
But with the gorgeous huge screen that rivals the iPod Touch and extra memory this MP3 is pretty close to being almost flawless. But remined you that the screen is prone to fingerprints. Hopefully with the right word of mouth, a better software upgrade, and some advertising Zune will soon become a household name