Never ever buy this scanner. I had bought this for 45 dollars with a 30 dollar rebate.
I thought it was pretty cheap. But now I realize that it is costly even if it was given out for free. It hangs up my system so bad that I have to restart it. It just shuts itself down in teh middle of a scan. I thought this was the problem with the particuliar piece I had but no. This is problem with all the slimscans that I tried.
There may be problems with its drivers and softwares and thats teh reason this once costly scanner came out to be so cheap. The customer serivce guys were not helpful at all and said that I may be having problems with my operating system,
I installed win2k professional and it made that os hang up too! I mean I feel like trashing this thing now but no.
Im a college student, I use teh top as a tray, and the bottom piece as shelf!