Good evening friends, recently I have purchased this Microtek Upseb Inverter. I want to share my experience with you, I hope it is very helpful for you.
Durability- The durability of this inverter is very bad. It gives only three to four hours backup. It is a very priduct of Microtek company. We all know that Microtek is a good reputed company but this product of this company not achieve any statndard. It is a third quality product of this Microtek company.
User Friendly- It is very easy to use but it is very dangerous for children because it contains electricity which is very harmful for children. And also its cost is in budget anyone can buy this inverter.
I will not recommend this Microtek Upseb because of its battery backup i.e., its durability. Its durability is very bad. Think twice before purchase this Upseb.
Thank You??