Dear All
I know mid-day is popular news paper now a days. Any news paper should take Advertisment which are Rational for the society.
Now a days we can read so many ads under entertainments & beauty parlour Heading. This are not the thing which a good news paper should promote. Definately they would say we generate income by printing this ads but somewhere they should be accountable for.
I can give an Example where such Ads used to come in Gujarat Samachar some years back. But due to reader unhappiness [ Since it is kind of family news paper and everyone reads the news paper ] about such unethical Ads , Gujarat Samachar has stopeed accepting such advt . Now you will not find such Advt in that paper.
Also they should really go in detail of any advt which gives kind of guarantee in medical treatment like Hair fall or HIV. People assume that since it came in news paper so treatment must be effective.
What do you say?