Millie ki hasi sab ko hasa dai Millie ki rona sab ko sad kardai.
Millie: A sweet, cultured girl, always upto pranks and never gets tired of them, always has ideas to make money and her best friend is Khushi.
Khushi: A sweet girl, millies best friend and is making money with millie always.
Father: Incharge of the convent and loves Millie like his own child.
Mother: Incharge of the convent and likes Millie alot.
Vishal: The only son of the Rastogi family, has a wife but still flirts with the recioptionists.
Kamni: Vishals wife and the only daughter-in-law of the Rastogi family.
Dadi: The eldest in the house and is in search of her grandaughter (Parvatis child).
Rahul: wonders why his dad hates him alot and Vishal and Kamnis child.
Ramona: Vishal and Kamnis daughter, Vishal like her alot, she cares about fashion and herself alot.
Hiralal: An old servant in the Rastogi house, and Parvatis brother.
Watch the interesting story on Millie.