I got aquainted with Mikes Hard Lemonade on complete accident. Before you go any further, Im only 16. Yep. The only reviews on this product are by devious underage punks. Deal with it.
Mikes Hard Lemonade is known by people who dont drink it to be the possessor of humourous ads on the television.
Oh shoot! I cut off my foot with my ax!
Dont worry about it man, Ill buy you a Mikes Hard Lemonade.
Now, I cant say Ive been in a posistion such as that, but Im pretty damn sure that if I cut off my leg, getting a drink would be the last of my priorities. This kind of false advertising is just going to get these guys in trouble. Remember those Herbal Essences shampoo commercials? I tried that stuff, and I didnt get an orgasm once. Theres two possibilities:
A. I was doing it wrong
B. Herbal Esssences is bullsh*t
But thats off topic, and off topic stuff will get my ass kicked here. So Mikes Hard Lemonade doesnt have the best commercials, and the only time I would consider having one was if my life was in horrible danger.
Getting attacked by a bear? I sure could go for a Mikes Hard Lemonade!
Getting stoned to death (physically) by angry people? I wish they were throwing bottles of Mikes Hard Lemonade!
Broke your leg? How about a Mikes Hard Lemonade to perk you up?
It may seem humorous at first, but if these situations come around, I bet you wouldnt be thirsting for a Hard Lemonade.
But aside from that, this stuff really is good. Hell, I didnt even know it was alcoholic! After kicking back with a bottle or two at a friends house, I turned the bottle to read the label, and saw the type on it that said it was alcoholic. I glanced down at the other empty bottle.
Shit... I believe was what I said. It was about that time that all that alcohol kicked in, and I dont remember much else. Its all a blur, but I do remember an intense game of Connect 4.
My point is, you cant tell this drink is alcoholic. It tastes JUST like lemonade, and thats great! Because I usually hate the taste of it. Mudslides and drinks like that barely cover up the taste, because its so damn strong you could taste it through a damn brick wall. Not with Mikes Hard Lemonade, though!
You could drink 3 of these things and never know it was alcoholic...Well, until you got drunk. But Im talking about the taste here. You cant tell. It tastes just like lemonade.
Mikes Hard Lemonade is a great party drink. You can suck these things down and not even flinch. You dont get super drunk off one bottle, and the flavors so damn good youll want more. Im not sure of the price, but Im pretty sure they arent very expensive. You can hang out with your friends and drink these. Its a very laid back drink.
Bascially, underage bastards like myself who dont like the taste of alcohol will love this drink. For everyone else, heres how to tell if this drink is right for you:
Do you like to get drunk?
Do you like lemonade?
Simple as that. If you answered yes to both of those questions, get up and buy a Mikes Hard Lemonade.