Nobody likes wasting time while browsing the internet.There are mails to check regularly, Then there are the job sites for those millions of unemployed people.Some look for gaudy screen savers and wallpapers.After doing all these things if you still have time.What do you do?Perhaps go through a few websites to increase your general knowledge.Then you have websites to download free music and mp3 soundtracks.And what do you do if after doing all these things you still have enough time to spend on the internet.Well.....yes you start playing online games.
Now that I have moved into the agenda, let me explain a few things that may interest you regarding the website-->
How did I get to this site?
Well one of my friends(MS ID:-bhupendra_rajpals....a great person who is more than happy spending 2 hours everyday on this website!!!) was playing cricket online and he recommended this website to me.At first I thought its a silly idea to play games online but then I could resist because of the reasons mentioned in the first paragraph of this review.
Reasons you should visit this website:-
First:-Its need not spend anything for playing games on this website.....all you need to have is a decent amount of free time...thats it.
Second:-Variety.....believe me...the moment you go to this website.....what catches your attention is the variety...this website has game for everybody.....well........there may be exceptions......
Third:-Speed...some of you may argue that there are other gaming sites which are equally good or may be better...but believe me this website is pretty fast to load.
Four:-Ease of playing.....before playing its always necessary to understand them and yes this website has all the games so easy to understand that playing becomes even more exciting.
Five:-Free download......and this is one of the best feature of thgis like a game..just download it and play offline for it saves your money as you need not me online all the while to play the games.
Six:-Computer friendly......I am a system administrator but for the last year I have been regularly downloading and playing these games and they do not screw up your computer for they do not have viruses and the game files that you download are damn cheap.
And yes as usual....comments are always welcome.......but before commenting anything I strongly request you to visit this website atleast once and spend 20 minutes.