I love minions in both their previous movies and they have come out in an awesome way! After the dinosaur, monkey man, yeti and etc etc, they hide themselves in a deep jungle and keep doing their work and eventually, they get bored and frustrated and their life would come to an edge of dying without a master, when Kevin, a positive minion thinks of a plan to save their lives and suggests they go back to the outside world and find a master. This is where the fun part should actually start, but by the time, it had made me a little bored.
The fact that despite most of this films dialogue sounding like gibberish, youre never really clueless about whats going on. It helps to have a narrator guide you through some parts, and for his voice to belong to one talented Mr Rush. Then theres the fact that its so accessible. Then theres the stellar voice cast(Jon Hamm, Id have never guessed it was you!).& it also does help that its funny in most of the right places.
Heres a film that wont fail, but it wont be one of the best animation films this year either. Your kids and you will probably watch it all of once and then move on to the merchandise. Yeah, thats it. I cant imagine revisiting this film. And thats really disappointing for a film that shouldve had world do-minion on its agenda.