Ideas for a Change: Here are some ideas that will help reomve ills from the society. I am not a Finance student, so I am not sure of the practicality of the ideas. I wish someone knowledgable can throw some light ..
In telephone directory, color/bold the names who have paid tax previous yrear
=> if you have telephone you have to pay tax (1 by 6 scheme)
People not paying tax will be easily identifiable.
If you have paid tax you are allowed to color your name plate.
Abolish short-long term taxes. Put transaction based-brokerage like tax.
There should be no tax, no filing of returns, no rebates, no depreciation
No direct tax, but only indirect tax.
There should be preferential treatment to those who pay tax. Because they ACTUALLY run the country.
To unearth blak money => change the currency, say, every 5 years.