This is to indirectly to Mister of Health and Family Welfare
The process of student Doctors strike is now more than one month.
There are lot of protests against reservation going on
but all the ministers are quite and what they are doing is
just against the students.
What I here firmly want to say that the Ministers should
understand that now too long years are passed that we
have got independance. If still we are differntiating between
who is obc, who is sc then it is very shameful thing.
In fact we should bring in picture that we are Indians
and those should be doctors who are really brough forward
themselves with rigorous hard work and study, pricisely
on the merits. And not only od doctors but it should be in
all the streams.
Since os many years there are so many rail accidents, there
are so many building colapses, etc. In such cases the
responsible persons should be aware that there talent is
being trusted by thousands and lacs and millions people
If a single wrong person just with some case advantage
reaches the position which by talent he may be not
sufficient capable, then there would be only negative
I request ministry to make a law that such
reservations should be once and all vanished from
our system or else like Inda and Pakistan
we soon would have more different divisions.
And these ministers are afraid of their chairs and they would
exit when the term would come end and we common people
would have to suffer their so-called vote bonus package