Domestic Violence act
Men have already started crying foul even before the effects of the act are visible. They think that Indias families will be saved only if women are kept gagged and bound. According to them any act of female empowerment is an attack on Indias ancient culture.
Now let’s see the practical side. Most of the allegations against this act are coming from urban folks. They try to generalise the issue. They forget that families exist in rural areas too. In rural areas the need for such act is more pressing. In village side it is a sign of manhood to beat ones wife. Women are treated like cattle.The plight of widows too is great. They are discriminated everywhere, even in workplaces they are paid less than man.
There are allegations that in the past legislation like Anti-dowry acts were misused. They were not actually "misused" but they were USED, because in the absence of legislation like Domestic violence act women have no other option but to use the existing laws to protect them self from these maniacs and in- laws .Now that DAV is in place Anti-Dowry acts will not be misused anymore.
In a patriarchical family where man hood and seniority are the two qualification for authority puts the women in the receiving end. This DAV teaches men and in-laws to use their authority with responsibility . The enactment of such law means the day of one upmanship is over.Familyis a complex web where each knot is unique and has to handled carefullywith utmost sensitivity. It take a lot of guts to maintain relationships and if a man cant handle it he is free to stay unmarried. afterall men opt for marriage not because of their strength but because of their weakness.
Urban men use women as ATMs and Rural men think women are ABM (automated Breeding Machines).
But In urban area it is easy to implement it, so police implement it easily.
But implementing this act in rural areas it is difficult to implement this act. It takes lot of hard work to make women courageous enough to come forward and lodge complaints. It is good that under DAV a third party too can lodge complaint.
There is a threat of corruption in our system destroying the spirit of this act. Govt has to set up special cells to deal in such cases.Wide publicity should be given in rural areas.