The Domestic Violence Act comes into effect w.e.f 26th October 2006. This law is enforceable on evey citizen of India irrespective of their religions.
If a man commits any kind of violence or even insults his wife, he can land in jail with a fine up to Rs 20, 000. The offence is non bailable
The Act covers women, be they wives, live-in partners, sisters, mothers, mothers-in-law or any other woman relation.
The new law protects them against:
Physical violence:
Beating, slapping, hitting, biting, kicking, punching, pushing, shoving or causing bodily pain or injury in any other manner.
Sexual violence, including against children:
1.Forced sexual intercourse
2.Forces you to look at pornography or any other obscene pictures or material
3.Any act of sexual nature to abuse, humiliate or degrade you, or which is otherwise violative of your dignity or any other unwelcome conduct of sexual nature
4.Child sexual abuse
Verbal and emotional violence:
1 Insults , 2 Name calling, 3 Accusations on your character and conduct etc, 4 Insults for not having a male child, 5.Insults for not bringing dowry etc, 6.Preventing you or a child in your custody from attending school, college or any other educational institution, 7 Preventing you from taking up a job, forcing you to leave your job, 8 .Preventing you or a child in your custody from leaving the house
9.Preventing you from meeting any person in the normal course of events, 10.Forcing you to get married when you dont want to marry, 11.Preventing you from marrying a person of your own choice
12.Forcing you to marry a particular person of his/their own choice
13.Threat to commit suicide, 14 Any other verbal or emotional abuse
Economic violence:
1.Not providing you money for maintaining you or your children
2.Not providing food, clothes, medicines etc for you or your children
3. Stopping you from carrying on your employment or disturbing you in carrying on your employment
4 Not allowing you to take up an employment or taking away your income from your salary, wages etc
5 Forcing you out of the house you live in
6 Stopping you from accessing or using any part of the house
7. Not allowing use of clothes, articles or things of general household use
8 Not paying rent if staying in a rented accommodation
I do remember a group of people in Delhi who made their social organisation to fight against women cruely on men.
Women are the worst enemy of women like Mother in Law against Daughter in Law Sister in law against Daughter in Law or two daughter in laws.
Which law is going to punish women against women under this Act ?
Today I have seen a cartoon in a newspaper where they were sitting in a Liquer Bar with two bottle and one was saying that better sit and drink here instead of going home due to enactment of this Law.
Many big bosses prefers to stay in office with their entire staff, not caring that their staff may have very urgent work at home or in market.Reason is simple that they are worst affected by their wives.I do understand that earning male has high ego at home but earning wives too have high ego and clash of the two high egos, creates chaos and violence in many homes.
One more thing just imagine an employee, who is slapped on his face(not really but emotional slapping) due to any reason- for his fault or preoccupied or prejudiced approach of his boss.And dont forget that in office, an employee may get day to day punishment because his coullegues or juniors wants quick promotions bypassing that employee.In those moments of frustration and anger, if he does not behave properly with his wife and gets the same rude reply., should be settled by other family members amicably and not by the court.
If we analyse the entire situation, we will find that working man either in office, profession or in business, faces lots of professional and business tensions.When he comes home, if he do not receive proper welcome gesture, may react adversely.
Apart from this, these law makers do not understand the love chemistry of married couple or couple in live in relationship. This law has brought domestic economic socio and personal problems on street and under the purview of court. In fact husband and wife relationship is very sensitive and caring from both side is essential, otherwise this may cause undue tensions. In the present scenerio, personal problems are solved with inthe ambit of home. Some time woman, being annoyed andinstigated by any outsider or insider may file FIR but on being cool, may feel sorry for the act done by her.
I do remember one young wife saying that if a man looses his temper in full swing is acceptable instead of a man who does lots of love acting in home with his wife and outside home, enjoys sexual, emotional and social pleasure with other woman.
I do remember in the case of Imrana, her father in law raped her and when it proved and his father in law was punished, Muslim Personal Law Board issued a Fatwa that she cant live with her husband, because now she is untouchable for her husband.This lady Imrana has 6 children.What is the surety that Muslim Personal Law Board will not oppose this Act saying that this is interference in their Muslim Law, like Shah Bano case where Rajiv Gandhis Congress Government had to delete the said act appeasing Muslim community for vote bank and doing unjustice to Shah Bano.
Further this will benefit our Police personnel, Advocates for their ulterior motives- money.
Obviously none of the Advocate will ever want that good relations may revive in a family.
Ravi Sharma