Home management-well, the home minister should know the exact meaning of the term. The deptartment of home affairs is in a sorry state. The leaders who are vested with the authority to make decisions and carry out initiatives are not performing their tasks.
But why?
They simply dont know how to do it.
In short, they are a bunch of half-crazed idol devotees who has never seen the art of running a goverment;mixing religion and politics, combining social science with rocket technology, rewriting history text-books to rewrite history by forecasting more bloodsheds than any our history has ever faced, etc.
They are unable to solve the gujarat problem. Our country is represented by rapists, mindless dons, ruthless worker unions, illiterate politicians who profess love to every single beggar but vows to kill every earning man...and those who say we are the leading in culture, in technology, media, fashion... are mere helpless people who have nothing else to live for but to conceal everything, praise loud approvals of anything scary and get away with life.
If there were to be dedicated efforts to solve our internal problems, no problems would have existed.
The fault lie in our leaders one sided view of every national issue.
Every matured, literate man takes a multi-dimensional view of every thing.
But such qualities are not present in any of our leaders...they are guided by occasional emotion outbursts, fanatical love for anything without justification, etc.
So the first duty of every citizen of india is to ensure that they are not carried away by some posturing divine but to believe in their first-hand conclusions about every issue.