This is one of the umpteenth review written on Ministry of HRD. I think never HRD ministry would have received so much attention, unfortunately when it received it is for all wrong reasons. Every where you see there are protests against the quota. On the streets, newspapers, web sites, Colleges etc etc. Everyone wants to be a part of protests against the great [mis]adventure of our Dear Honourable Arjun Singh(I love this guy).
I wanted to protest against this. Because if I do not protest and this legislation goes through then may be I won’t get seat in IIM but definetly Yamraaj will book a deluxe suite for me Narak(hell). So for the sake of Indian youth and coming generations I need to raise voice against this. There was a guy in my Junior College. An OBC. He could have easily got a seat in VJTI engineering college(No.1 in Maharashtra) but he opted to take admission without his caste certificate on basis of merit.
Just yesterday I met one guy. I am preparing for CAT. He knew that. Just a few days back he was like, ” CAT…baap re. Na baba Na. I cant think of even attempting it”.
And today he was nicely asking me how to prepare for it as it seems easy to grab a seat in IIMs now. I felt like slitting the neck of this person then and theresory I am rude.But cant help it Where are people with self respect who care for merits?
See I don’t want my coming generations to curse me for not taking required steps to stop the govt for this injustice. Just for example consider this story of mine….in future
Time is year 2030(25 years ahead). Reservation policy is gone through and from time to time number of reserved seats is increased. I see a good business opportunity and open a shop which sells forged caste certificatesin partner ship with angel25.
One fine day I am sitting in my office and looking admiringly the forged caste certificate of one of Misba’s relative who wants to open a shop near Char Minar in Hyderabad but cannot do so, coz the place is reserved for OBCs. At that time I receive call from our Mbfaroukh. He tells me to make a forged caste certificate for his daughter who is a good sports person and wants to go for Olympics. But unfortunately her years of practice and hard work is about to go in vain. Because the category in which she was supposed to be selected is for reserved class. Now Faroukh desperately wanted a caste certificate to make her daughter’s dream come true. I assure Faroukh that the job will be done. As I keep the phone, a smart kid which French beard, trendy T Shirt with an IPod hanging around his neck enters the room and says, ”Hi Dad, Whats up? Good news for you.”(My son)
I say, ”What it is my intelligent, hardworking, competitive and always-standing-first-in-class son?”
“Dad I cleared MBBS entrance exams with cool ranking. I am 9th in country. Now I will become doctor and operate on your trouble some prostrate. Now you wont be impotent …just wait for few days. Dad your dreams have come true.”
”My very studious son….(with a sad face)….you know there are only 5 seats in whole country for open category. How can you get seat with 9th rank?”
My son in state of shock and disbelief, ” Is it Dad? Why so? Whats my mistake? There are so many colleges and I have managed to grab a single digit rank. Is it not that I deserve a seat in reputed institute where doctors don’t forget their tools in patients stomach, where the fees is highly subsidized by government?”
“Son you are correct. But due to reservations you don’t have any chance of getting a medical seat. But don’t worry. Your dream will come true anyway. I will make a Caste certificate for you in few minutes. Tell me what u want to be SC, ST, OBCS, NT…?”
“Dad stop it. I want to join college only on basis of merit and not by taking help of corruption.”
I regret why the hell my wife recited him Bhagavad-Gita, Ramayana, Mahabharata every night. Did not I bring Children’s Story book by Madonna, Michael Jackson for reading at night
My son speaks desperately spreading saliva all over my face, ” Dad who is responsible for this?”
“Beta his name is Arjun Singh. The then HRD minister.”
“Arjun Singh…oh that guy. Who is in USA to cure his common cold? Whose children studied in foreign countries thereby unaffected by quota system?this is injustice. Why the hell you people did not raise voice against him when the injustice was done?Wasnt Rang De Basanti released at that time. You did niot learn anything from that movie? SHAME ON YOU. Dad I never knew you are a coward. I hate you. Due to you my future is ruined. My dreams are shatteredSobSob*”
I try to console him, ” Listen my son. I was helpless like cockroach lying on its back.We tried our level best. Agreed I was not one of the Doctors taking shower in the scorching heat of May afternoon at Rajghat in Delhi or Azad Maidan in Mumbai when water canons were fired by police, but I did not sit idle either.”
Then I open internet and show him many of the comments which I had written on reviews, my articles written on various web sites, news paper cuttings containing my mails to editor protesting against Quota.
“Son, I am sorry. We did not take our protests more far. Now you have to bear the burden of mistakes done by our generation.”