I do agree with each words of yours. That when it comes to checkup of any minister or high authority person they rush to US or Uk then why do they forget the Quota Doctors whom they have supported . Are these quota doctors for common people ?why arent they for the ministers who supports quota / reservation and divide the knowledge among "cast" . As seen the past example of Late. Pramod Mahajan a Dr. was called from abroad for checkup.Then why they didnt seeked checkup from the quota dr. of our country .why is this division? is any body there ti give the answer?
I think every citizen should standup with Dr. to b againt reservation whether they have achied their goal / position in life or not. This is not for self but for whle nation and we have to lightup the candle in support of them. I have achieved my position but still I would support anti-reservation group , these Doctors Group for my Younger brother/ sister and the upcoming youth who has to one day or the other has to face this division. Where knowledge stands sometime very far from the cast. only knowledge can make a nation progress and not the castism