“The need of the community in the state would be paramount vis-a-vis the local needs (in case of minority institutions)”, said a five-judge Constitution bench headed by Chief Justice V N Khare. A minority professional college can admit, in its management quota, a student of their own community/language in preference to a student of another community even though that other student is more meritorious, the bench said.
My sister went for management seat in Dalmiya at first they were nice to her as her score was up-to mark (than what usual management seaters pay for) but when they inquired further and came to know that she is maharashtrian they rudely and coldly showed her door (even when she came for management seat) and said we only give admissions to hindi speaking i.e minority only. Later her classmate whose score was less than her got admission on minority basis. Now is this not injustice.
Most of the colleges in mumbai has minorities for hindi, gujrathi, southindians, christians, everyone except maharashtrians. But Noone talks about it, why? Even this is injustice!! And what about Managements seats? I think people who are scared about getting operated from OBC/SC/ST need not worry because I dont think any good hospital would recruit such persons but I think they wont mind getting operated from management seat students.
And in Corporate World they would like to recruit a open candidate who might have come from minorities or management seats rather than OBC\SC\ST with comparatively higher marks after all they are open categories. I personally dont mind if reservations are not there but minorities includes open candidates who score even less than OBC/SC/ST still get admissions.
And what about AIIMS own quotas where people scoring less than SC/ST getting admissions in medical colleges. Here in mumbai all these engg., medical seats are filled with pune, nagpur and all outsiders and mumbai people has to go to villages for admission. Why is that these peoples come in mumbai to study instead at their own place?. THIS IS INJUSTICE AS WELL.
Even I am concerned FOR My career My future, so I AM CONCERNED ABOUT THIS INJUSTICE IN MUMBAI.
Look everyone should be satisfied with the decision. Why to keep other quotas and remove only reservation? Who said it doesnt make much difference it does to atleast 20 people PER COLLEGE. So be fair
Remove Reservation
Remove Minorities, Management Seats (any kind of quota)As Well
In MUMBAI First Preference Should Be For MUMBAI Students.
Keep Reservation For Poor People Who Cant Afford Tutors, Coaching Classes, Enough Study Materials And Scoring Upto The Mark Which Will Make Them Deserving Candidate (offcourse like creamylayer certificate for OBC some paperwork will be there but its not impossible) And Only 15% For Outside Mumbai (OFFCOURSE INCLUDES OMS).
Finally to people who are protesting so concerned about this so-called injustice You just cant change a part of system for ur benefit, change the whole education system so that everyone will be benefited. You are concerned about your own benefit hence you are only after reservation, consider all these points and change whole education system so that everyone will be benefited. People who are against reservations are bad-mouthing reserved class, they still differentiate on caste esp. brahmins so is this not casteism?.
Even these days these open category peoples make faces to reserved class. So until and unless that stop reservation will tend to continue..... OOPS FORGOT TO WRITE ONE THING THERE IS NO RESERVATION FOR OBC WHOSE FAMILY INCOME IS AND ABOVE 3 LACS
(Note:- This is not a copy-paste thing I want everyone to be aware of this injustice hence being spreading the same post through email and I have posted it on other sites as well AND FINALLY I DONT HAVE ANY FAITH IN OUR GOVERNMENT.)