I still remember the day..it was a sunday , my friend and myself had gone to the theatre to watch a english movie and to our disappointment the movie had moved over and there was a new movie minnale..well I went t into the theatre sad amn but came out a very happy man..i had watched one of the better movies made in that year..so here goes the story..
Madhavan is one of the most popular guys in the college and enjoys life to the fullest..abbas also in the college is also equally popular and there always exists a clash between them..well college ends and both go out in seperate ways..Madhvan meets this girl rema sen and immediately falls in love with her only to learn later that she is already engaged to guy..but by hook and crook he wins over her heart(as they say all is fair in love and war).but the guy engaged to the girl comes back and he turns out to be nmone other than Abbas..so from here starts a battle for the girl and their college time enemity comes back to life and this time roaring..so who gets the girl??Abbas or Madhavan..i do not want to be a spoilsport by saying theending..go watch it yourself..but I can guarantee you that the ending will not let the audience down..
onscreen acting
Madhavan does a beautiful job as a college student and so does Abbas..reema sen does her job neatly..but the one to watch out in the movie is Vivek..he is extremely funny in the movie and he is one of Madhavans friends in the movie..the scene in which he and Madhavan are going in the bike and they meet with an accident will leave you laughing the entire movie..think I can say that he is one of the reasons that the movie became a major hit..wonderful actor with lots of talent..
behind the screen
all kudos to gautaman for providing the audiences with such an entertainer..his role selection for the movie was perfect, like selecting Abbas as Madhavans rival was a clever bit of thinking..good direction backed by wonderfu; acting makes this moviea a great watch..music I will say is the best part of the movie..Harris JAyraj has a done e great job on his debut..especially the song vaseegara which was an instant hit and was a major resaons for the movies success..
on the whole a great entertainer with all the right ingrediants.story, acting, music and star cast..if you want an action packed love story then go watch this movie..happy viewing