Uprooted from Brooklyn, New York, where I
was born and raised, moving to Plymouth,
Minnesota was a culture shock, to say the
least. I went to Minnesota not knowing what
to expect and half believing the stories about
massive snowfalls, ice, sub-zero temperatures,
frozen lakes, wind chills that make you feel
cold just hearing about them ! Most of the stories
were true but I’m here to tell you that I survived
two winters there and even made it through 3
trips to the Mall of America !
What nobody told me was how beautiful the scenery
was (even when it was snow covered).
One of the lesser known places to visit in
Minnesota is the Luce Line Trail. A wonderful
outdoor experience that puts you in touch with
nature at its best.
The beginning of the trail is my my former
hometown of Plymouth and ends approximately
63 miles later in the west-central Minnesota
town of Cosmos.
As you bike, hike, jog or just casually stroll
the trail, you will pass the cities of Wayzata,
Long Lake, Silver Lake, Hutchinson, Cedar Mills,
Corvuso and more before the trails ends in Cosmos.
This trail has many varied uses (including a
parallel treadway for horseback riding). In the
summer, joggers, walkers (with or without their
dogs), hikers, bicyclists and just plain
strollers abound. Make sure to bring some bottled
water in the summer months as it is dusty and there
are no commercial vendors in sight. Believe me,
it does get HOT and HUMID in the summer.
The scenery along the trail offers many varieties
of plants, foliage and quite a few critters.
I have seen a fox or two, wild turkeys, coons,
rabbits, deer and a huge variety of birds.
When snow season assaults us the trail is home
to snowmobiles, snowshoers and cross-country
skiers. There are also a few hardy joggers out
there too.
Whether you enjoy a leisurely walk or an
invigorating jog, this trail is a wonderful
place to enjoy a commune with nature.
It is truly a beautiful treasure that in my
opinion, many native Minnesotans either don’t
know about or overlook. If you’d care to explore
more, you can “visit” the trail at their website: https://luceline.com
Excuse me now, as I have to find similar trails
in my new home, Florida.