I had occasion to avail the services from MIOT hospital twice, once in 2008 and again in 2012. Both times, my wife was the patient.
My experience was miserable on the first occasion. Admission process was very messy. After admission also, the staff do not guide us properly. When she was being wheeled to the Operation Theatre, I was literally pushed out of the room. The chaps could not explain in advance about their practices of having to vacate the room when the patient is taken to the OT. Well, after the operation was over, she was taken to the Post Operative Ward. I had been told that I can talk to her after she comes out of the effect of Anaesthetics. But, O God! when I contacted the ward(on phone) and asked for my wife, the fellows coolly replied that there is no patient like that. Utter carelessness and sheer disregard for human values. Discharge was another herculean task. They have very lousy system of taking clearances from various sections and preparing final bills. It takes hours in this computer era. The canteen chap would not allow a bottle of water to be filled in our container. No water anywhere in the hospital! I had left a page full of complaints later. I did not receive any feedback from them. The only mailers were some greetings or some invitations.
In the second visit, I found that things had changed quite well. Admission was smooth. Nursing sisters were duty minded. Post Operative Ward was better. Discharge procedure had improved. Canteen was better.
Still, there is ample scope for improvement! Their facilities are scattered and you have to shuttle across several places. Out-patient waiting time is abnormal. Car Parking is less and no night parking is allowed. (Of course, I could manage by requesting the Security Guard). Lot of dust due to construction. Improper placement of AC units in three bedded halls, with the result that the person in the middle bed complains of cold and the other two suffocate. One TV for three patients. Attendants have to sleep in a bed(if you call it so!) hardly one foot wide. No bedsheets for attendant. Appetising diet, in the sense that the patient goes hungry. Lot many trainees moving around. Insufficient seats in canteen and cramped movement.
With the very good quality of doctors, MIOT can still improve and serve to the public.