I had pain in my tailbone. Usually I prefer to go to Apollo but this time I went to MIOT since it was near to my new shifted home. I waited to meet DR. mohandoss(devil face). Usually if we go to hospital we will meet the doctor inside his room to explain our problems.
In MIOT mohandoss will see 10 patients at a time, every patients will be asked to sit inside cabin . At a same time 10 different patients will be asked to sit in 10 different room, he will be on rounds to visit the patient like a nurse. He is the only doctor will see all patients who are coming for ortho. He doesnt want to appoint other senior surgeons also. he spent 2 minute and asked me to take CT scan. Again I gone with scan reports with in another 1 minute meeting he told that I have to undergo surgery.He told its serious.
Without knowing about this doctor and this hospital I have admitted for surgery . After the surgery also I am having pain. Then I went to Apollo for consultation in Apollo they said this surgery should not been done this is riskiest and there is no need for surgery. even in united states doctors are hesitating to do surgery.
After reading from internet I came to know my case doesn’t need surgery. it was a very small problem. So please dont go to this hospital they will do operation even to statue to get money. worst infrastructure. NOTE: I have undergone surgery in MIOT, till now in my report there is no doctor’s name who has done surgery for me, things like this will never happen even in graveyard.i have lost money and got more pain in return.
From my experience I can tell my parents, family members not to go to this hospital.
Mohandoss will have Asst.doctors with them where those people will look like a school dropouts.Due to some political influence this Blood sucker running this hospital. The sin which he is doing to earn money for his family is going to get reverse.
I can say Apollo is far better than MIOT, Apollo doctors has some heart.