MIOT Hospitals advertises regularly that they can do Minimal Invasive Computer Navigated Total Knee Replacement Surgery. They offer a package of Rs.1.45 lakhs for one knee with single A/C room, diet, etc and call it a fullpackage. After first appointment and admission in to the hospital, it is a herculean task to get a darshan of the Chief Doctor, Dr.Mohandas. After receving full amount for the surgery in advance, they admit the patients only in basement dormitory, (the cleanliness of it is comparable with any Government Hospital) on the pretext of non availability of rooms. Only voiciferous and people who can bring in external influence are allotted single rooms as per the agreed pacakge plan. Without taking the consent of the patient or his relatives they carry out conventional surgery not the Minimal Invasive Surgery. Their ICUs are also no better than their basement dormitories in terms cleanliness and attention. At the time of discharge, they bill much higher than the package amount, claiming that the package is for 10 days only and one has to pay for extra days in the hospital. Cruel joke is that this extra cost includes doctors visiting fee of few thousand rupees and also includes payment for different specialists payment for each in four figures. But copies of opinion of the so called specialists is not given. They even do not respond to any correspondence. I deeply regret that I got caught in their advertisement gimmicks and admitted my father for Total Knee Replacement Surgery.