Once enter into the emergency there were some businessman (sorry I can’t say they are Doctors) and they’ll advise to take xray. There they have started the business and told surgery needs to be done and the cost would be 80 thousand and they gave very clear information if I have money they will admit in the hospital otherwise we can take the patient into other hospital.
By default the patient would be admitted in Trauma ICU and no one can see the patient. Only two people can see the patient in a day between 3 PM and 5 PM. Hospital people will call you and ask you to meet one of the business women Muthulakshmi after 10:30 AM.
She will ask whether you have any company insurance or you have money to pay. If you ok for this, she will tell the patient having BP, diabetics, kidney, heart problem and it’s a high risk to do the operation. (actually nothing would be there). Also she tell you that patient have some issue and needs to be undergone for MRI Scan and the cost would be Rs.20000
They will always tell that the patient situation is critical and they are keeping in ICU, because they will get Rs.4000 for ICU charges and Rs3000 for monitoring + extra test cost. So minimum their target is Rs.7000 per day. After surgery they will not allow you to see the patient and they keep in post surgical ward. After 3 days again they will move the patient to TICU not to ward.They will discharge the patient from TICU.
Other than this process, security will not allow you to take any eatable inside the hospital not ever water bottle. You can see the board in reception “water bottle sole here”. If you thirst you can’t find any water tab instead of selling water bottle. Inside the campus you can’t stand or sit. Security guys will scold you. Dr Mohandas (sorry blood sucker) will be taken care by God. He has chosen very good name to his hospital MIOT – MONEY IS ONLY TARGET
I am suggesting please please please don’t go to the money making hospital. If you go there you will loose money, if money goes we can earn but no guarantee for life. I can compare Trauma ICU with Koyambedu market. No neatness, full noise, bad words. They won’t bother about patient. I never went thru this kind of worst situation not only hospital, not even anywhere.