This is to narrate the incidence occurred to my mother, she 68 yrs old retired BSNL employee, and was regular visitor of Miot hospital, she admitted for knee joint operations, she was well walking on her own later she was diagnosed and admitted for knee operations( Medical reimbursement for BSNL employee eligibility) and later she was compliance for breathing problem were she was given treatment by Dr. Vigil, later two days her conditions going worse she has to be ventilated, later all test were taken( needles to say these are required), after few days Dr. Vigil came said she has to go surgery, we accepted, and later the same team, came and said her lungs are very weak and surgery cannot be completed, by then it was 70 days passed in ICU, she was bedridden and her conditions was going very worse, understanding these conditions(nearly for 90 days has passed) the hospital has incurred huge amount and wanted to discharge with very little hope, and forced us to take back home, but we disagreed, but the forced and threatened us in several ways, we were nothing to do we took away, with promise she is good she can recover at the earliest, later within few days she developed same breathing problem were we took back for admission but the hospital authority refused to admit back, we pleaded for request but no mercy but she died with few seconds -IF in emergency first aid given she would have been saved,
We were helpless and we have take back our dead body with deep tears! by this time we spent around 23 lakhs as medical fees but hospital authority - or DR.Mohandas not even had courtesy!
ALL THEY WANTED MONEY not Treatment -Innocent peoples rushes es to them Be aware of MIOT HOSPITAL still many incidence which is not shared!