I am a cardiac surgeon working in Malaysia. I recently visited Chennai for some work, when I was asked to accompany my cousin brother to Miot, as he was suffering from chronic back pain for several years, and already had some investigations performed in his home town Thanjavur .
I have been to many hospitals in India and around the world . I would like to declare that this is the worst hospital I have ever seen . They have a peculiar and stupid rule of allowing only one relative per patient, even into the main hospital building .I guess child patients have to be only accompanied by one parent and not both then. The staff are rude and forever busy asking people not to stand in the corridor . Oh yes, by the way no outside food is allowed into the hospital, fairly understandable, but only if you have a good inhouse canteen, which was missing in this hospital like a sore thumb . I guess everyone inside has to fast for half a day until you get out .
We were asked to see the chief, Dr Mohandas another guy looking like a clown . He puts different patients in different rooms and runs the Orthopaedic outpatient department like some stupid ward . He spent less then 2 minutes with my brother . I introduced myself and requested whether another relative can be allowed in the room, since I am not a local person .
He replied rudely that rules are meant to be followed, and asked whether Malaysia had rules . He then litterally asked me to shut up . In my 15 years of medical practice, I have never seen such a rude doctor, and had trouble understanding why patients are still queing up to see this mad man . I hope patients think twice before going to this crazy place .