Mutual fund is always safe as compared to individual stock. In mutual fund we have different options such as Large Cap , Mid Cap & Small Cap etc. It depends upon every individual persons risk taking capability to select small cap or mid cap.
From last year I have invested 1000 Rs. per month in Mirae asset Emerging Blue Chip Fund - Growth Option. The reason behind selecting Mirae Asset Emerging Blue Chip is its crisil ranking. It is number 1 in Mid cap category. From Last 3 years it has given 35% returns. Its Fund Manager is Mr. Neelesh Surana. Its asset size is 2, 010.42 Rs. Cr. as on 30 Sep 2016. It mainly invest in Banking-- 19% , Automobile : 10 % , Oil , Pharmacy & Manufacturing 8 % each. It always invest in Blue Chip shares such as Kotak Mahindra Bank , HPCL , Reliance etc.
So if you want to invest in mutual fund and having moderate risk taking ability then I highly recommend Mirae Asset Emerging Blue Chip.