I drink many cold drink that come in the market nowadays. We know that not all cold drinks are good. I dont pepsi and seven up as they are not so bad. But coke should be the one to be blamed. As you know that even if its incredibly famous its quality is so bad that when you drink it you will have so many problems that you cannot even realise it.
But the one that leads the most of the soft drinks is nothing butMIRINDA. When im talking about it would never say bad about about it, because as you know there is nothing bad about it. First of all there is no gas in it and second of all we dont have that bad feeling that we have with other soft drinks. Some people blame it for nothing. I mean, there surely have no perfect point. they just keep on saying that its taste is bad.
None of the soft drinks could have a bad taste. If it has then it is not a soft drink. They just say that because they are not sure about the point. I want to say that whatever othersblah-blah-blah about is perfectly wrong, because IM sure with the fact that Mirinda is nothing but a clear and real drink.*