Orange has been and will always be my favourite drink. THe word Mirinda, does not bring to mind any other flavour except - orange.I liked Mirinda for its lovely orangee flavour that leaves you instantly feeling pleasant and light.
Mirinda was originally introduced as an orange soft drink.Recently, it has added several other flavours in the market like pineapple, apple, kiwi, strawberry, raspberry and peach.But none of them beat the original taste of the orange flavour.
I still remember the TV ad of the three bald orange men...who keep hunting for the Mirinda drink...and finally they find it to just gulp it down.
The taste of Mirinda Orange is unbeatable.
It is one of the most refreshing drinks I have ever had. There is nothing likea chilled can of Mirinda.It is cool and quenches your thirst completely. The taste of Mirinda does not bite the tongue unlike that of Coke and Pepsi. Coke and Pepsi is very strong to taste and they are well known for thier harmful effects on teeth. But Mirinda is softer and milder to the tongue.I can finish a whole can of Mirinda but I have to share coke with someone else.
I have noticed that only those people chose mirinda who are very sober & serene in elderly ladies or pregnant women or people like me!
Where as the real cool dude types will choose coke or pepsi.I rarely find any guy chosing mirinda over pepsi or coke.
A piece of information for your knowledge: Miranda was also the name of a beautiful, modest and tender girl in Shakespeares famous play called THE TEMPEST. She was untouched and the only being that could approach her was a super natural creature called Ariel(ring a bell???)
All kids should be given mirinda to drink but I see many toddlers drinking coke and pepsi instead.In the long run coke and pepsi are harmful for growing children and health in general.
Mirinda is not known for such adverse side effects.