This time I would like to write something about my favourite soft drink i.e Mirinda. This is one of the best refreshment I have ever consumed. If you wanna quench your thirst then I would definintely suggest you to go for this one. I am sure that the Mirinda manufactured in India would not give you the right taste but the Original Mirinda will definitely quench your thirst and fulfill your expectations. It gives you the right taste what you are looking out for !!! If you ever visit a restaurant or super market which can give you the Original Mirinda then I would suggest you to go for it !!!!
The Original Mirinda might be a bit expensive in comparison of the Indian one but will give you the original feel and the correct taste what you are actually searching out for. It happened with me when I visited a restaurant near my place and was looking out for something refreshing which would give me a tangy taste and to be true, it was the Original Mirinda (I suppose it was from North America) but I am sure you will enjoy your original Mirinda.