It’s always sad when a movie makes it big, and then has a much-awaited sequel, only to have the sequel strangle itself to death. Yes, I know, I tend to exaggerate things, but “Miss Congeniality 2: Armed and Fabulous” without a doubt is not as fabulous as one would hope it would be.
FBI agent, Gracie Hart (Sandra Bullock) might be runner up to the Miss USA pageant, but she is still the clumsy-messy-snorting chick who just can’t seem to get it right. Not only did her boyfriend Agent Eric Matthews just dump her, an attempt to stop bank robbery was almost foiled when a woman recognised her from the publicity photos in the media concerning her pageant case and brought to attention the fact that she was FBI in an undercover case.
Things seemed to take a turn though when the director of the FBI decided to use Gracie’s popularity as a way to boost the bureau’s image and soon Gracie finds herself promoting a best selling book, appearing on TV shows and giving out autographs. During this time, she was also introduced to Agent Sam Fuller (Regina King) whom no one wanted to work with because of her bad temper. While she was working the talk shows, her friend Cheryl was kidnapped and was not held hostage to ransom.
Story wise, it was as predictable as you can get. Tomboy agent turns into beauty queen and now finds herself worrying more about her hair than anything else. Suddenly her friend gets kidnapped and she realises that she can’t just sit on the sidelines and wait. Not only that, no one seems to take her seriously anymore. What happens next? It’s predictability in a package. Give yourself a good smack in the head if you say you honestly don’t know what’s going to happen next.
Not to say that the movie bombed totally. In fact, there were lots of good moments in the movie that will have you laughing out loud. It’s just that the movie tends to drag in many places and even became ditzier than “Clueless” in other parts. Still, credits go to Regina King as Agent Sam Fuller. This woman whoops some serious ass. So for this movie that has ‘chick flick’ written all over it? Not as good as the first one. Give it a miss if you’re not such a big fan of Sandra Bullock.