You will have to take this review with a grain of salt as I was a big fan of the original TV series from the 60s. If you saw the original series you will absolutely hate this movie for only one reason. Unfortunately I cant tell you what that is as it will give away a major plot twist at the end. Lets just say that after I saw the movie I was so outraged at what they did to one of the characters (yes it was one from the original series) I wanted to write to them and tell them that what they did was downright treason. Hope I didnt just give away too much. To be fair though, on its own merits the movie isnt bad. It has lots of action and stays pretty true to the original series as far as situations that seem near impossible to get through. The one scene where they are breaking into this high security installation is as tense as it gets. The problem I had with the movie itself is the plot got very muddled and contrived at times. Toward the end it was very hard to even follow what was going on. This happens when you try to make an hour long TV show into a full length feature. Sometimes you just cant fill the time. As a result the movie gets a little long winded and dull towards the end until the final chase scene which was okay I guess. Was it the worst movie I ever saw? No. Was it the best? Far from it. Would I ever see it again? No. I think I got pretty much all I am going to get out of it. The acting was okay and other than the few tense moments there wasnt much to make me want to see this more than once. Having said that, if you did see the original I urge you to see this movie if for only curiosities sake. Im sure those of you who were big fans of the original will agree with me. Its okay but nothing to write home to mom about.