This is a story about a team, a team of hard working, somewhat demented (to take the missions they do end up taking), technically savvy, living a day at a time and seemingly invincible who clear up every mission they take up with the panache of a ballet dancer. Heading this team is the impeccable and irresistible Tom THE Cruise (Ethan Hunt). Flip Flip Flip ooh I was rambling on about Mission Impossible 1 which had lesser character development and even lesser human emotions.
Cut to the present and we find that the third installment has Tom Cruise reprising the role of a retired Ethan Hunt who just wants to get over his tumultous life and get on with a married and stable existence. He has a wonderful partner in Julie (Michelle Monaghan in a subdued and cute role of a doting girlfriend-wife). But then good things as they say dont last forever so Ethan is required to pull out one of his trainees from the hands of a nasty arms dealer Owen Davian (played by the very menacing Philip Seymour Hoffman). This starts the ball rolling which goes into an avalanche of sorts when Ethan Hunt goes head on against Davian and in turn has to fight for his wife and his life and do some mind blowing stunts in the process. Some of the stunts would have left Tom with a sore back but then that is what movies are all about. You have to take your audience with you, make them feel the pain and the sorrow! Beautifully orchestrated sequences take your breath away and though there is a feelin of deja vu after seeing this movie but you feel you got your moneys worth!
As with the previous versions Tom Cruise rules the roost with his charisma. I would call him the last of the Mohicans considering that he is nearing the end of an era where charisma and beautiful acting were important to the success of a movie. He is ably supported by a cast comprising of Ving Rhames, Maggie Q and Jonathan Meyers and yea Lawrence Fishburn and Billy Crupdup as the leads Tom reports into.
My advice at the end of it all. Go for this movie! There is not a moments rest when you feel as if the movie is slacking. It is taut, nerve wracking and fast paced! So have a ball of a time at the movies with this one.