Movies are different
everybody knows well so there is no meaning to explain these kind of stuffs over here.
when I was seeing this movie I got really enjoy.
I dont want to compare with Green mile and forest gump kind of films. but this is one kind of taste. we need to taste it.
comparison nowadays is becoming a big trouble overhere.
Every body knows well that M i III will be a investicative and action film. are you really enjoyed?
that is the only question. dont think about logic this is magic.
Tom cruise perfommance is good and natual acting.
hollywood films are now concentrating on family love subject.
i was really wondered about Peter square location kidnapping scenes.
well directed
Amazing Music of Mi3 is getting uniqueness than james bond music.
It is super star film. all state super stars are acting like that.
China is beautiful they are far ahead from our country(india)
Shanghai scenes are not pictured well.
Cinmax is typical indain movie climax.
Helicopter scene is also great.
1.45 minutes just went!!!!
I have forgottten my my day to day workloads.
hollywood is hollywood.
People should genorous about to give marks.
good movie with reasonable dups.