My honest review as an IB student who has had 5 years of experience here
This place only looks good, the staff is just as bad, and that is one thing which you cant see about this place when you first visit it. Which is why it is also called a "trap" by many. I have been here for 5 years and Im saying this based on my personal experience, and Im not one of the few who thinks this way, majority of the students share a similar bad experience and it is something that not a lot of people are aware of.
This school was fine back then, then it started to turn bad and eventually even worse since the new boarding coordinator joined. The teacher-student relation is very toxic here. For you to be a good student you have to stay away from the opposite sex, if you are noticed spending time with a girl if youre a boy, both of you will be treated as if youre doing something wrong and will be taunted and separated whenever seen together. It is understandable to some extent but they they will do this to you even if youre only talking.
The food here Isint the worst but it can be bad sometimes. There is a nice cafeteria though, with a pool table, couches, a TV, and messed up timing. The cafeteria is timed divided by grade and gender. Seniors are allowed to visit anytime, no matter the timing and gender but then you will be stared at if spending too much time with a boy or a girl.
I cant say much about the girls hostel but from what I know is that the boarding staff is completely toxic and suffocating with all the extra restrictions for girls.
A male boarding staff member was once accused of behaving inappropriately with girls and was given a warning for it. The irony here is that they will treat boys as if they are likely to behave this way but instead you get to see this from a boarding staff member.
Your belongings may get stolen often, and most probably you wont be able to check the cameras for it because the boarding coordinator made this stupid rule.
Boarding coordinator has made this place from bad to worse.
There was much more coordination in the boarding before we had a boarding coordinator. Some of the staff members agree as well and sometimes even joke about it.
There is a lot of things hes done I cannot list all here but I made a song on it once when I was bored and listed some of the things there so check it out maybe, or dont.
This school is one of the best sports wise, I cant say much about it because I wasnt into sports, but its pretty good.
Academic wise, If you are already good at studies, you will do well. But if youre bad at studies there is not much that the teachers do about it, except for blaming you for not putting enough efforts. I was fine at studies and then got worse each year, and I believe that the suffocating life in this hostel is the reason for it.
Not only students but also some of the staff members and teachers feel suffocated sometimes. There used to be a lot of good staff members but mysteriously most of the good ones have left now.
Overall, this place is fine if youre a day scholar. Dont fall for the videos they post on social media where some students talk good about this place. If you cant take my word for it, try meeting some students on campus and feel free to ask them. Or read some more reviews.
Dont consider this place, Im sure there are some other pretty good options.