I just graduated from Mithibai college this year in Commerce. Considering all the other commerce options in the suburbs I can easily say it comes down to a tie between NM and Mithibai. At this crossroad you have to decide whether you are highly academically inclined and you wish to spend time with square, intelligent people whos idea of fun is doing a/cs sums in the library or you want a more relaxed laid back environment where you can make real good friends, relax and theres a lot to do extra-curricular wise too.
Where Mithibai totally scores now is that all the classrooms are fitted with airconditioners, the halls have been redone, the toilets are ultra modern, the false ceiling..everythings been redone basically and its got a new lease of life. Theres also a cyber cafe at the back and you have Mcdonalds and Dominos pizzas and Baristas all within the reach of the students.
I suggest you hop across to Mithibai and just take a look at the college and see how different it looks now from the rest o the pack!