Hail the greatest legend of india and the western indian viewers - MITHUN CHAKRABORTY. guys, I honestly dunno how the envious can call this guy poor mans amitabh when amitabh cannot even put his feet in mithuns shoes! why, amitabh cannot even dance! a shame surely, but thats not all; mithun is just perfect at any role hes given to act. action, love stories, drama, war, western, dancer, religious, you just name it. too bad amitabh can only play drama and nothing else. I cannot even begin to imagine him playing the role for Wanted or Humse Hai Zamana or Humse Badkar Kaun, or even Qatal-E-Aam. so please people, be honest, the greatest icon and legend india and the world has ever seen between 1979 to now is mithun chakraborty. after him all else will be by-words and vapours. but for us out here, he will always be the top-gun shining star of this life-time. truly, we can say that we love you dear mithunda! and congratulations for colorful, successful, impacting career. you are the peoples man!