Movie: Mitr
Direction: Revathy
Music: Bhavatharini
Lead Artist: Shobna, Naseer and Preethi
As movie title suggest, Mitr, movie is about FRIENDSHIP. The word “Friendship” has been widely misunderstood and has been taken for granted that friendship can be only between same gender people. If two people of different gender talks or spends time together, it has been commented that they are dating or having some relationship. In Indian culture it is still very much prevalent and is considered taboo, while western culture is very much open to it. Thus there is vast cultural difference between Indian culture and Western culture.
Also, Indian culture specifically has drawn lines when it comes to relationship between father and son and between daughter and mother. If a son or daughter has different views and don’t agree with their parents they are considered un-respectful. My question is if one has different views does that means he or she does not love his/her parents? He/she does not respect them? But yeah sometimes its hard to convince our parents of what we think is right or wrong, as they have been raised in the society and culture that was much more orthodox than today’s culture. This has led to what people generally called as “Generation Gap”. Elders forget to change with new times while younger generation finds its absurd and out of style to accept old culture and tradition. But the important point youngsters miss out is not old culture and values but THE EXPERIENCE OF OLDER GENERATION.
The movie “Mitr” has same theme which I just mentioned above: Cultural differences and Generation Gap. Prihvi, who is shown as a software professional from India and settled in US. He gets married to Lakshmi, who being born and brought up in very orthodox culture finds it hard to adjust to US culture. She stays at home, cooks for Prithvi, takes care of household activity and their newly born daughter Divya, as it is done in India. She hardly interacts with people from US and so she did not realize the importance of US culture.
Movie actually starts when Divya grows up in US culture and Prithvi gets busy with his work and promotions. Divya who has US friend circle is highly influenced by them while Lakshmi still tries to be overly protective about her, which always ends up in the fight. Prithvi who tries to explain the cultural thing to Laskhmi but fails to convince her.
Movie continues Lakshmi starts chatting with a person on the net and they becomes really good friend. Both of them exchange their views and ideas on cultural and daily problems which leads their friendship to grow. Divya runs away from home because of the fight with Lakshmi, while Prithvi was away. Also at the same time, Lakshmi meets her new neighbors, 2 kids which always reminded her of Divya as well as they taught Lakshmi to become independent. Lakshmi started understanding US culture and importance of not interfering in small small details about others.
Movie continues, with few twists and turns Divya understands the importance of mother and her views and while Lakshmi understood Divya after getting exposed to US culture. Both of them becomes very close and becomes good friends. Also, Lakshmi net friend turns out to be Prithvi.
This movie shows friendship is independent of caste, culture, religion and age. Also, movie emphasizes on the importance of COMMUNICATION and lack of it could lead to total disaster.
Movie is very well directed by Revathy and all the crew involved in the making of the movie deserves all the credit for making this movie a success.
Enjoy the movie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!