I purchased Mitsubishi(Heavy Ind) Inverter AC in June 2014 in Surat. Suddenly in August 2015, after 13 months, AC stop working. I handed over the matter to Surat authorised service center. They visited several times, took the inside unit and outside unit PCB & did lot of research, finally after 45 days of long service time, declared that outer unit PCB is not working hence you need to aishwaryasingh23 14000 rupees for new PCB.
The irony is that I bought AC in 50, 000 thousand and asking for 14, 000 rupees for repairing charges which is 30% cost! Can you think any AC give you such trouble!
My clear view is
1) Very very poor service: Service is too lethargic, they never call you. Every time you have to follow up. They dont have proper person to repair the Ac. My AC took almost 45 days to repair & still I am waiting to start. They just gave me discount on PCB to 10700 rupees. For that I called their Delhi Office(International Aircon) Mr. Shailendra to resolve the matter.
2) Product is having very poor quality. Can you think, after aishwaryasingh23ing 50000 rupees, after 13 months, 10700 rupees is the repairing cost!
My Sharp AC is working since last 6 years at home without any problem.
3) All the people in Mitsubishi heavy ind(international aircon) looks like bunch of Monkey. They never listen, never see and never speck to customer unless and until you shout.
My recommendation: Dont buy Mitsubishi Inverter AC.
If you need any clarification regarding above matter write me on pavantalwani@hotmail.com