is a very good site for mobile recharge, payment of landline bills, television DTH and data card recharge and shopping on various sites. The site is user-friendly and good cash back offers are available on most of the shopping sites. Food items can be ordered from famous fast food joint chains with 10 to 20% cash back offer. And for travel, there are a number of sites available for booking bus tickets, again with cash back offers.
By depositing money in mobikwik wallet, the amount can be made use of for recharges, purchases on various sites and food joint chain restaurants etc., without having to provide repeatedly one’s card details to them. The ease of transactions is the hall mark of the site.
Whenever a bosom friend or a close relation rings me up and says that he is held up somewhere outside the city and that his mobile talk time is about to expire, it takes only a minute for me to recharge his mobile, sitting in the comfort of my home. He would be so awestruck at the immediate recharge that he would, on his next meeting with me, thank me profusely. And similarly, whenever I need balance in my mobile, I ring up either of my sons and they recharge it through mobikwik only. Caution: We have to make this facility available only to the genuine friends and relations or else, they are likely to misuse it too.
The transactions made on this site are secure too. A few months ago, whenever I tried to recharge my mobile phone, the recharge invariably failed, but the following day, the amount of the failed recharge would be re-credited to the wallet. I have not faced an instance of loss by doing recharges or making purchases. However, now I find that the problem of recharge failures is no more there. While making online purchases, however, the payment has been very prompt all through. But, sometimes, it so happened that until I raised the issue of failed recharge, the refund was not done.
The only problem I faced on a few occasions was that when I tried to put money into wallet by using my credit card, the transaction failed repeatedly and for that day, it failed again and again. After trying several times, I abandoned the idea of putting the money into wallet and went for alternate mode of payment. This happened to me on four occasions. When I complained the problem to Mobikwik customer support, they simply acknowledged, but gave no reply whatsoever. I am still not sure whether the site had rectified this problem by now. That the transaction failed on a particular day does not mean that it would fail on all the following days too. The next day it may work, but one cannot postpone for a day or two the intended online shopping, just because mobikwik site does not work. One will go for alternate mode of payments.
Each time the wallet is filled or a transaction is made, the details of transaction would be emailed to the user and a mobile alert would be there immediately.
By and large, this is a useful site and one can make use of it for the ease of transactions and the cash back offers.