Dear Friend,
This app is a cheater. nobody understand they system about supercash. if you dont trust on me then ask anybody that how much and how will you get supercash.
Also we can use only 10% or 20% supercash and yesterday I have filled petrol of Rs.201 and used mobikwik because it was showing that we can use 10% or 20% supercash. but There are no any money deducted from my supercash. All payment of Rs.201 deducted from my bank.
For your information my transaction id is 564ca62f53fa7.
Also I have complained about this but there is no any response from them.
So all friends I dont recommend to use this mobikwik for cashback. it is best way to cheat customer through supercash cashback.
They gave me Rs.20 supercash on my above transaction but there is no any meaning of this supercash if I cannot use it.
Also they have mentioned in their offer section that minimum transaction for petrol shoul more than Rs.200 so we can use 10% supercash but I had paid Rs.201 from my bank account.
So friends dont use this app because it is just virtual money for our mind satisfaction that we are getting supercash like children games of business.
Stop to use this app so they can change their cheating business and give us some improvements.