Hello friends.
I am sanjeev kumar and I m going share my experience on number locator app.
The concept of this app is really stasfying but in the case you will try to locate this app in play store then lots of app will come you will recognize the real app which works really. So this is the problem with this app.in this app you can find your phone location through your mobile no.which is under that phone.
Not pretty good feature and functiin in this app because I download this app by play store . When I opened this one then I really dissapoint by it. Because there is no more function only no will put on the locator box then you will find your location but not the original location where you are at the time.that why I am disapointed by this app.
Well if you are talking about this app whose name is number locator app is it good in function and deaign tthen definitely poor designed by its develooers.not attractive and personalized app and not the layout is good all arw poor even its colourwill disspoint you in any type of this app so I will give it 4out of ten foe ita designed and layout.because I used this app for long time and dissapointed by it every time. I am sharing my reality.
If youbare talking about its usefullness then definitely it is not exact working like terms and condition . Because I typed my no on the box and search where I am you what the map goes me in chennai but I was in patna . I was shocked . To see this location even I typed many no with this app but all location which is seems in the app is fake. So it is not good app worst app in my view so dont use this app or diwnload this app. Its shows sim location where they bought at the first time not where are you at the rit time. I will give it 2 out of 10 rating.
Sanjeev kumar