Despite of many efforts about inquiring and ridiculous answers from Mody Fords sales team, we have no option left out rather than posting this here.
After numerous calls and text messages from the executives about the ford midnight sale offer, we booked a Figo on 13th of May.As a part of the lucky draw we got a Panasonic 32 LED TV and was told by Mr.Giridhar(Sales Manager, Mody Ford LB Nagar) that we should get the vehicle delivered before 1st of June to avail the assured gift.Till that time we never had an intention to buy a Figo.But when we looked at it as a package(discount + the gift), we felt good and it seemed affordable.
With in that little time we managed very hard to adjust the down payment amount as the sales team kept on calling about the free gift offer. Whether you believe it or not we still wonder how we managed to pay that much money in such a short span. Because at a point of time we didnt wanted the car till a couple of months and only because of this stupid offer we convinced ourselves and struggled a lot to get the vehicle delivered on 1st of June. Everything went well till this extent.They gave us the discount as promised and very good customer was service offered.
We didnt disturbed anyone till 45 days after the delivery. On July 20th we rang Mr.Prashanth G.(Sales Executive), just to check the update about the as its been 50 days. For one week we havent got any response from him and rang him again every alternate day, but the response was always the same(keeps on telling tomorrow or a day after).
In the first week of August prashanth gave us the contact of Mr.Mahesh Kumar(AGM, Mody Ford) and told hell be the one who is dealing with Ford India. The very first conversation with Mr.Mahesh was pleasant, he listened to the problem well and assured us that the gift will reach us soon as he also got a DVD player a day before for the car he also bought from that offer(Later he changed this to some other story-We dont know which one of them is true). He said that there was a miscommunication happened between some vendor and Ford India and because of that it got delayed. Mr.Mahesh assured us that the gift will reach us in a couple of days.
Nothing turned up even after a week. We called Mr.Mahesh on his new number and he replied back with the same answer that well get it by day after that day.We waited for another week and on 18th of August we called Mr.Mahesh to know about the update on that.The answer was the same. This time he got very much irated for a few straight questions asked for. He concluded the conversation ruthlessly and left the issue unresolved.
Now its been 3 months from the date of delivery and we are getting a doubt whether this " Midnight Sale Offer " is genuine or just a kind of a cheap marketing trick to bluff customers.Because we were never contacted by neither Mody Ford nor Ford India regarding any update on the delay of the gift.It was only us who were rigorously following up.We never got any kind of information or intimation from your end.
A warm welcome at LB Nagar showroom by the manager and pleasant behavior of the employees there impressed us a lot.This continued the same till the time of delivery.Now, all these things turned out as ruthless answers, ridiculous behavior, not responding the calls and never giving proper information.No one in the sales team never talked to us about the "Terms & Conditions" at the time of booking, at the time of financing and at the time of delivery. But, when Mr.Mahesh referred to those when we were asking about the gift, we felt that it would be the joke of the decade.We have a copy of the "Terms & Conditions" with us which we got from you.We couldnt find the exact clause(any technical issue will result in the dealy of getting the gift) which Mr.Mahesh was referring to.Please send us the updated copy of it if you have any.
One more thing which we forgot to mention, we used to refer Mody Ford showroom and your service to a lot of friends and family.We also had a plan of buying an All New Fiesta for a close relative by this monthend from this showroom.By this kind of response that we are getting from them, we stopped advising people not only about their showroom but also Ford products.
Though we are not expecting a solution overnight, please kindly be in our shoes and respond back with a proper remedy.If you think that you cannot be of any help in this regard, please suggest us how to reach out to Ford India on this.We never had any of such contact with us.That would be of much help for us if you can provide an appropriate means to communicate with Ford India.
We are expecting a call back on this to let ford India understand the situation better.We know that here India no one cares about the customer service once they are done with their selling job.Its our little effort and hope to expect it as Ford is not an Indian brand to have such kind of attitude.
Prashanti & Sasikanth Reddy,