This is the most anticipated motion picture of the year as enthusiasts of hrithik are going to see his film following 2 years after blast. By taking a gander at records of hrithik past films everybody was anticipating for this motion picture and When I see the trailer of this motion picture I felt like this motion picture is great yet in genuine the tale of the motion picture is awful. Starcast of film stunning. Hrithik as past motion pictures done fantastic acting in this film. Melodies in the motion picture are awful as tunes are the focal appreciation for any motion picture for viewers. This is one time tympass watchable motion picture in the event that you like hrithik. I think this is the most noticeably awful film done by hrithik in his life. Everybody was expecting that hrithik motion picture film industry gathering was significantly more than rustom yet inverse happens, rustom has an extraordinary or twofold accumulation from mohenjo daro till now. I recommend not to watch this motion picture furthermore design are additionally not great in the motion picture.