There was a time when Monginis was the citys most loved, one stop shop for cakes, patties and other party necessities including party decoration and return gifts for kids.
Instead of moving ahead with times, Monginis decided to go the other way. The quality of the caked deteriorated considerably. Previously they were almost always fresh now most of the times they are dry and powdery.
They even discontinued some of their famous pastries like chocolate marquise and included some super dry and pretty hard buns with cream which they proudly called donuts. I used to love their truffle pastries but they kept improvising it until it became a hard block of so calledcake with some cream on it. The previous version was much better.
You guys really need to sample some of your competitors cakes like ribbons and balloons, brownie points and pull up your socks. Changing with times doesnt mean copying others, you need to maintain your originality as well.